Tuesday 10 September 2013

New beginnings: The Art Studio Sunderland

Arcadea Disability Arts scallectrix set
Photo by Jo Howell Photography 2013
Its been a while since my last blog update, but time just seems to be getting away from me these days. I am currently working flat out doing a minimum of 4 days a week as a workshop leader/sessional artist for 2 charities. I have been working with Arcadea Disability Arts for a while now and I still really love my 2 days a week there. Our latest project that we are working on is a zombie film for halloween which is proving to be challenging but very fun!

Work at The Art Studio Sunderland
Photo by Jo Howell Photography
My other 2 days a week are with The Art Studio, Sunderland, where I am spending my time working with the members on an individual basis showing them how to record their work, and helping them to create inline blogs. The work and the people are great, but there's a lot going on so I have found myself winding down my pin-hole project until I can get more time during the day (sunlight.... quite necessary to the exposures...).

Phil Vickery Glass Vortex Pod
Photo by Jo Howell Photograph

I have also been working with Phil Vickery Glass on the production of a new process film for YouTube. This film has so far been 3 months in the making but will be finished and ready for release in December 2013. in the meantime you can checkout our funny trailer if you simply cannot wait!

On top of all of this I have photographed a gorgeous kiln formed shot glass made by
Irena Czepcová. This proved to be an interesting photohoot as I had very limited equipment due to my studio lights being pinched. I only had 2 speedlites that luckily I keep with me at all times, and the detail inside this very small object was captured very carefully using my macro lens. I was very pleased with the shoot because it reminded me that I can still be a resourceful photographer when the situation calls for it! 

Irena Czepcova Kiiln formed shot glass
Photo by Jo Howell Photography
Lighthouse, by Jo Howell 2013

Speaking of being resourceful, I have begun collating together a large catalogue of my images from around Sunderland and the North, to produce a hyper-real series of hand-painted photographs. This has been a good way to keep creating my own work whilst having other things to do during the day when I would usually be taking photographs.

So things are all going great and I promise I will try to check in again soon. in the meantime you can follow my comings and goings via facebook or you can check up on me via The Art Studio Sunderland Blog.

Ta ta for now! 