Wednesday 7 December 2011

World Human Rights Day

Hidden Truths By Jo Howell 2011
mixed media on canvas
100cm x 100cm
On the 10th December 2011, on World Human Rights Day, all of the hard work that myself, the other artists, the workshop participants, and of course Arcadea Disability Arts will be brought together in a wonderful exhibition to be held in the Centre for Life, Newcastle with the preview running between 6pm and 9pm. I will be running around like a headless chicken on friday helping the guys to hang everything, and I am really excited to see the other artworks that the other artists have made in response to the theme.

In the exhibition I will be showing a series of 3 canvas works, as well as between 2 and 4 digital photo montages showing the work created by the people who took part in the workshops, and all of the work will be available for the public to purchase. I am also very proud to say that my images were used in the advertising from both Arcadea and The Centre for Life, and one even appeared in the Crack magazine- so it's all been great exposure. In fact my images were also used in The British institute of Human Rights roadshow that hit 16 locations across the UK, giving even more people the chance to see some of my work!
Photo Montage (Detail)
By Jo Howell (and the workshop participants) 2011
Not only will I be taking part in the exhibition that day but I will be up at the crack of dawn to assist with the Sunniside Christmas market set-up. I will be in Creative Cohesion from 9am until around 4pm doing Christmas card making family workshops so come on down and get involved. There will be loads happening on the day and it's the perfect chance for you to buy some unique hand made Christmas presents for the family.

See you there! In the meantime, for more information follow me on facebook or check out my website!

Saturday 26 November 2011

The British Institute of Human Rights Workshop

Photo by Jo Howell 2011
The workshop at the Welford Centre in Gosforth went remarkably well. We had quite a few people from the centre in the morning who joined us for a discussion about Human Rights and the importance of Rights Act in their lives.

Everyone joined in and had some story or insight to share about Human Rights and their personal lives.

Photo by Jo Howell 2011
After lunch we were very pleased to see that everyone had returned full of excitement to get on with their creative response to our discussions. The polaroid camera went down a storm with each individual either using the camera themselves or directing their own photographs. As all of the people involved had varying learning difficulties some were able to write their own ideas down whilst others described to us what they wanted to say.

Photo by Jo Howell 2011

"Article 8

Right to respect for private and family life

1Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
2There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others."                                                  - Human Rights Act, government website 26/11/2011
In particular we asked people in the workshop to consider this article in the Human Rights Act, as we quickly realised that family, and in fact a private life, was very important to the people who attended the workshop. Many of the people in the workshop lived in care homes or sheltered accommodation, and having choices about where they live or who they live with is a very important element of the care system.

Photo by Jo Howell 2011
Overall we had a fantastic day talking to the people at the Welford Centre, and as far as we can tell they also had a brilliant time that also helped them to think about the importance of Human Rights in a very personal way. Everyone received a scanned copy of their work and all of the originals will be displayed alongside my own response in an exhibition on the 10th December 2011 at the Centre for Life, Newcastle, supported by Arcadea Disability Arts and The British Institute of Human Rights.

Photo by Jo Howell 2011
I have blurred out people's faces to protect their identities online but you can view the original work in all of its glory if you come along to the exhibition.
Hope to see you there!
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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Responding to Human Rights

Close up of Research 1
By Jo Howell 2011
As part of the project with Arcadea Disability Arts, and The British Institute of Human Rights, I will be delivering a workshop tomorrow with my group to help raise awareness about The Human Rights Act and its importance. This is the workshop where I will be using Polaroid film to inspire the participants to make a creative response to the subject, so I am very excited to see what kind of results tomorrows workshop will have! (See Perfectly Polaroid blog entry.)

We have also been given a budget and asked to create out own artistic response to the project that will be shown in the Centre for Life, Newcastle on 10th December 2011. I have decided to include the processes that I am using to produce the work in this blog to give loyal readers a sneak peek, and as a sort of "work in progress" journal for myself.

Close up of Research 2
By Jo Howell 2011
I began by taking photographs of the pieces of research that are the most relevant or interesting. I re-photograph images and text so that I can carefully control whats in focus, what's out of focus, lighting and framing. Re-photography is not only a tool for highlighting the parts that I don't want you to miss, it is a form of appropriating artwork or articles from the media into my own work, using iconography that you may already have seen or have some understanding of. Thank you Richard Prince!
Corner Detail Layer 1
By Jo Howell 2011
I then apply the images to the canvas to create a large collage, I encourage a certain amount of bubbles and folds in the process to create more texture as the other layers are built up. The initial layer is an overwhelming collection of carefully butted-up, over-lapped and juxtaposed images to create an intense and information rich background texture.
Layer 1 BIHR Project
By Jo Howell
After a full night of drying whilst carefully weighted the canvas is ready to have paint applied to it. Each separate layer will need to be dried completely before the next is applied.
Layer 2 BIHR Project
By Jo Howell
To make the image feel enclosed, framed, or as one coherent image I roughly apply a black acrylic outline to each edge. This will also add a prominent shadow to any folds or bubbles so they will show up better in layer 3, and it hides the joins of the paper for a cleaner edge.

There will be more to come in the next few days with images from the workshop and more of the work as it progresses...

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Thursday 10 November 2011

Perfectly Polaroid- The rest of the test

Polaroid film test- film 1
By Jo Howell 2011
I was fairly pleased with the results from the first round of film testing, (by first round I mean only round I can afford before the workshop with Arcadea next week). I tried the film in a number of different light situations to see the different effects.

I found that the flash on the top of the camera was not really powerful enough for indoor shooting so I will take along a couple of flash units and an umbrella to the workshop, once set to slave function the flashes will go off simultaneously to the camera enabling me to have more control of the light.
Polaroid Test 4- Ben taking Photo's
By Jo Howell 2011
I really like this test shot of my friend Ben playing with the camera he got last christmas, it has a genuine 70's feel in the flat light of an overcast day. I also think I managed to keep the camera more steady for this image so it's a lot sharper than some of the others.

Polaroid Test 5- Polaroid of a Polaroid
By Jo Howell 2011
This image is shot sitting next to the window in the pub, upon Ben's suggestion we paid homage to the front cover DVD design of Memento. 

Polaroid Test 7- Sunset over wall
By Jo Howell 2011
I thought I would show you this test shot that was taken at sunset to show the polaroid's surprising ability of capturing the colour. 

The workshop will be next week and I will be using the polaroids as a way for the participants to engage with Human Rights issues that effect them. Hopefully we can create some interesting set-up images, and get some interesting text or marks (perhaps portions of the Human Rights Act) written upon the polaroids themselves.

Come back soon to find out how the Silvertone film works, and how the project goes.

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Saturday 5 November 2011

Perfectly Polaroid

Polaroid Camera and Test 3 by Jo Howell 2011
In light of the Human Rights project that I am doing with Arcadea disability arts, I thought that an interesting way to respond to the brief and to get people of all abilities creatively involved in the workshop on the day would be to get the participants to direct their own Polaroid image and to then get them to write a connected thought or Human Rights statement onto the image.
Polaroid Test 1- Helma Rud's work by Jo Howell
I received my film from The Impossible Project yesterday, and was desperate to see the effects of this new type of Polaroid camera compatible film before I take it into the workshop for the project. So using my time wisely in the Creative Cohesion Gallery I set about doing a few tests. 
Polaroid Test 2- Mike Davis work by Jo Howell
Polaroid Test 1 came out fairly wishy washy and I realised that this was because I had forgotten to keep the film at body temperature once exposed, so for Test 2 I kept the image warm inside my top. The colours came out much better but could probably do with a bit more light when the actual shot is being taken.
Polaroid Test 3- Criss Chaney work by Jo Howell
Polaroid Test 3 had a much better tonal range, the Polaroid 600 camera that I am using is not in the best nick and I think this is the reason for the soft focus. However, as I am of the embrace the mistake persuasion I actually quite like the quality garnered from this process.
I also received some Silver Tone film but will hold onto the rest of the film for use in the workshop. 
Polaroid 3 tests by Jo Howell
I have 5 shots left in camera that I will shoot in different conditions to get a true idea of the capabilities of the film in cold temperatures, warm temperatures, low light and lots of light.
Keep an eye out in the next few days for round 2 of the tests!

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Saturday 22 October 2011

Embrace the mistake!

As it turns out trial and error are the best ways to learn, though recently my errors have been out weighing the learning experience!
Exposing the Screen by Jo Howell 2011
I have been experimenting with taking my photographic work into screen printing using light sensitive emulsion, and just like many times before in the dark room it is taking me a while to get to grips with the exposure times. I am now on my third attempt to get this screen to the desired level required for the print.  The first screen I tried I had thoroughly under exposed the image and all of the emulsion washed out!
The Screen bed by Jo Howell 2011
The second attempt which you can see in the image above was exposed nearly to the correct level but when the emulsion was drying in the light tight drawer it had slipped from the supports that stopped it from sticking to the newspaper, as you can see there were some bits I just couldn't get off! But rather than be upset by the problem I simply made a note to be more careful next time and made a normal print, and a ghost print anyway. (See below for ghost print version.)
Embrace the Mistake by Jo Howell 2011
I had also decided to add some more lines and colour using pens with water to blur the edges. I actually quite like the result but prepared a screen to be exposed the next day. Today I exposed the screen I had prepared and was fairly happy with the exposure though I had noticed that the areas that had worked the best were the areas where my acetate positives overlapped, which indicated to me that I would probably get much more defined edges if I doubled up the printed acetate images (to let less light through the printed areas).

 This was today's screen (below) that I then ruined with impatience by rubbing the screen when it wasn't quite dry! So hopefully next week I will have managed to create a screen print from my photographs that meets my lofty expectations...
Screen held up to light by Jo Howell
It hasn't all been bad though, in between screen preparations, drying times, and general waiting about, I have also been working more on my "Onion" self portrait series of mixed media paintings. Based on Carol Anne Duffy's poem Valentine the work explores notions of self and layers that are hiding or obscuring the true view. I chose this poem as inspiration because of it's metaphorical use of the onion in place of a heart. Just like the Onion and the poem have many layers so do the paintings. I have finished 3 to date, with an image of one of the paintings being referenced in the screen printing process above.

3 Stages of Onion layer 3 Painting by Jo Howell 2011
I have also included an image of the nearly complete Onion layer 2 painting so that you can see what I mean about referencing it in the screen printing process.
Onion Layer 2 painting by Jo Howell
Right, sorry if I bored you with all of that! Hopefully the next round of experimentation may go a little smoother with more interesting things to show you. Keep following me on Facebook for regular updates and if you want to contact me you can find my details on my website. Thanks for reading!

Monday 3 October 2011

The Big Picture Exhibition

The Big Picture
Photo by Jo Howell
This last week has been really busy with the Newcastle and Gateshead Arts Fair, and the setting up of The Big Picture today. Criss Chaney, Liz Shaw and I arrived bright and early today at Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens to get things under way.
Liz Shaw, Criss Chaney and Jo Howell
Photo by Jo Howell

At around 11am the Sunderland Echo reporter arrived to here about The Big Picture project, and all of the other great workshops or events that Creative Cohesion will be holding. The article will be in the press in the next few days, so keep your eyes peeled!

Of which there are a few: Liz Shaw holds ceramics workshops, Criss Chaney plans stained glass and kiln formed glass workshops, and I will be doing some christmas card workshops with basic lino printing. Check out our websites for more info which can be accessed by clicking on our names in the paragraph above.
The Big Picture made by Sunderland
Photo by Jo Howell
As well as all of this there will be a street market in Sunniside on the 8th October, I won't be there personally but you will be able to buy some of my hand printed cards from Liz Shaw's stand, have a go at making something in ceramics, or just listen to the fabulous entertainment that the Bunker is providing. So make sure you tell everyone about it!

Follow The Big Picture on Facebook!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Take your time...

Lino and roller by Jo Howell
Forward thinking has helped me to decide to diversify my practise, as in the past I have always made one-off items which can be expensive. Since Christmas isn't too far off I thought I would have a go at lino printing so I can make hand printed Christmas cards that I can sell at Sunniside market or in the Creative Cohesion Gallery.

Lino Test 1 by Jo Howell

It makes sense to try to make smaller more craft like items for people to buy as gifts, I have learnt this through experience, as last year I only made a couple of sales of my larger works. Christmas is a hard time for everyone so every penny counts! I found that the actual carving of the lino was really quite hard work, but the results definitely inspired me enough to want to continue with the plan.
Lino Test 2 by Jo Howell
As you can see there are a number of ways that you can present the print, incorporating colour in the background, or in fact printing in multiple colours. I will keep the designs very stylised and made of simple shapes, some text and colour. If you want to buy hand printed Christmas cards once I have made them all (watch this space) or come down to the Creative Cohesion building where Maverickart is based.

Until next time....

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Thursday 15 September 2011

Beautiful Marilyn

The Marilyn Monroe Screen drying the screen filler by Jo Howell

I am very pleased to say that I have broadened my horizons and started to create some work using screen printing techniques. To get the feel for the process again I decided to do a simple design taken from an older body of work called "Cut Out and Keep" to experiment with.

I opted for the drawing fluid option and then filled the screen with screen filler, I then washed out the drawing fluid to create a positive Marilyn image when printed.
Test on paper by Jo Howell
After a few paper tests I decided to prepare some canvas to create a run of fine art prints. I used water colour paints in a light wash and splashed indian ink over them to create some background texture and colour.
Washes by Jo Howell
After a lot of patience, waiting around and twiddling thumbs, the backgrounds were dry enough to try printing on. I used water based fabric paint to screen print Marilyn onto the canvas, I then used an electric heater to set the print.
Marilyn print run by Jo Howell
I was really pleased with the results, and I cannot wait to try out the photo-sensitive screen emulsion to combine my photography with my fine art ideas! This year looks to be an exciting year for experimentation and investigations.

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Until next time....

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Music and the Mind

I have just started working on a series called 'Music and the Mind'. The work investigates my relationship with music, my love of listening to it, how different kinds of music effect me, and my frustration at not having an ounce of musical talent myself!

The work is made up of a series of layers using my own photographic images in collage, and over painting or drawing. I listen to music whilst creating the work and allow it to influence the marks I make. It follows on from previous projects 'A way to be Heard' 2009, which investigated the Sunderland music scene, and 'The Fame Machine' 2010, that looked at the issues that fame and celebrity bring to music.

You can follow me on facebook or check out my other work on my website

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Decidedly darkroom

A long time ago, back in 2002, I was introduced to darkroom photography, and for better or worse I was hooked. Time continued forward and the digital revolution began to supersede the artistry found underneath the safe red light.

I have unfortunately neglected my old friend, but I have certainly not forgotten. Come September I will be back in the darkroom with renewed vigour. I want to explore all of the things that made photography interesting to me in the first place. So I have started to go back over the few terrible scans that I have of those early attempts and experiments. You can find the work on Flickr, I just thought I would share a couple with you guys on here to.

When I get back in the darkroom I will be using medium format and revisiting light drawing, photograms and scratching negatives! (Any purist photographers please forgive me! I will be scratching my negatives in a fine art capacity.)

In the meantime you can also see my work on the website or you can follow me on facebook.

Cheers guys!

Jo Howell

Saturday 30 July 2011

After "The Big Picture"

After an early start to get set-up in the Bridges shopping centre, where Maverickart, Criss Chaney and Liz Shaw were holding free arts activities as part of a project we called "The Big Picture". I was very pleasantly surprised by the sheer number of people who stopped to take part. Everyone was really interested and enthusiastic, with some people sticking around to make a tile in each medium of ceramic, clay to be made into cast glass, and mixed media on primed boards. Thanks everyone who took part!

Criss Chaney and Liz Shaw still have to fire the tiles people did with them but as my tiles don't have to go through the same process I can give you a sneak peek now, and a reminder of what we were doing.

Keep your eyes and ears on the blog for updates when we will be displaying the work, and where.

Check out my website for more of my projects
Or follow me on Facebook

Enjoy the artwork!

Jo Howell
Maverickart and Jo Howell Photography

Tuesday 26 July 2011

The Big Picture

Today has been a fun day preparing for Friday's project. I will be outside of the Bridges shopping centre in Sunderland from 10am until around 4pm with another 2 artists from creative cohesion, Criss Chaney and Liz Shaw. For more info click here.

So, the idea behind the project is to try to get 100 people to decorate a 3 inch by 3 inch tile in a mixed media way to express a summer memory. At the end of the day I will take the 100 tiles and display them as one large piece of work- a big picture describing a Sunderland summer.

There will also be the option of creating a tile out of ceramics with Liz Shaw to create a similar big picture, and we are hoping to display the work throughout Sunderland once it is finished.

This is tile number 1 by Jo Howell (Jo Howell Photography and Maverickart), and number 14 by Phil Vickery (Phil Vickery Glass).

Just to get the ball rolling and to give you guys something to think about for your tile creations, or cast glass creations with Criss on friday.

See you all there!

Jo Howell