Tuesday 24 April 2012

Waste not want not....

Pixelated test prints
By Jo Howell
I have been working on getting a number of prints framed and ready for a solo exhibition at Infinite Arts, Sunderland. When I ordered the prints I decided to do a experiment in visual abstraction, I took small details from my image Rooftops and blew them up to 75cm x 50cm with the ratio of 1 pixel per cm squared. When I got the tests back I decided that the abstraction was not enough and that I wanted to push the pixel size to between 4 or 5cm squared, which will reduce the image into a gridlike form even further.

But this then meant that I had 2 very large prints that I had no real use for. As you may have noticed with the Eleflump of last months blog I hate wasting things needlessly. So this set me to thinking of ways that I could work photography with paint to create new and interesting effects.

Basic Preparations
By Jo Howell
With the current economic climate I have had to learn to make art from a variety of different things that I previously would not have considered. The base for the experiment with the test prints was actually a deconstructed cardboard box that I cleaned up by priming with household emulsion and PVA glue. This makes a Low-fi alternative to canvas which can be expensive especially when you are only experimenting.

Pixelating the pixels
By Jo Howell
 I cut the images into squares that I could arrange and rearrange until I found a combination that I liked, cutting the images into squares turned them into pixels, the basic coloured cells that digital images are made of.
Once I had decided upon the arrangement I used spray mount to stick the squares to the prepared cardboard.

I added layers of paint and ink to pull the work together, I have now left the piece to dry and have come away to consider the parts that I like from this process, and to think of how to finish the piece.

Part of being an artist is having the confidence and freedom to try out new ideas or concepts, I don't believe in having a finished piece of work every time that I decide to create something. Quite often I make work that I may never finish because the idea didn't pan out the same as in my head, but whether I finish it or not I will have learned from the process. This is one of those ideas that could have potential but I will have to experiment more with presentation and the concept before I can really decide.

And now for a little experiment in social interaction, if you have read my blog via facebook please write 'pixel' in the comment under the link that you accessed the blog from. Lets see how many pixels I can collect!

Thanks for reading you can check out more work via my facebook page and my website.